20 Favourite Films of the 20th Century #20
2001: A Space Oddissey
(Directed by Stanley Kubrick; Written by Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke; Starring Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, William Sylvester, and Douglas Rain; 1968)
The line I most associate with this film: "I'm sorry, Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that."
The line I most associate with this film: "I'm sorry, Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that."
And so, we arrive at the last film of this list. And this is one of the purest expressions of cinema in history. There is nothing quite like 2001, and probably there will never be. No film has ever reached the expertise of Stanley Kubrick's greatest masterpiece. From the dazzling and masterful visuals to the philosophical and existential message, this is probably the best film ever made - there is no going around this. This is an astounding film that will completely overwhelm your senses - especially if you watch it on the big screen. Stanley Kubrick is the master of the seventh art, and this film is the greatest feat of his mastery. Every single human being that exists and will exist should watch this film before dying! It should be part of the curriculum of every school in the world! This IS one of the greatest works of art made by the human race, and nothing will really come near it - ever!
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