Frances Ha

Why Frances Halladay is one of the most relatable film characters ever written (and maybe one of the most inspiring) Frances Halladay is a 27-year-old woman living in New York. She was born in Sacramento, California, and she moved to NYC in the hopes of starting an artistic career as a dancer. She is light-hearted, funny and quirky. She is herself, yet, strangely, she is also all of us. Life seems to be putting her on the ropes, as everything bad that could happen to her always happens, from being "fired" from the Christmas show she was supposed to do to tripping as she is running to get some cash to pay for dinner with the cool boy she met. Not only that, but everyone else, including her best friend Sophie, seems to be getting on with their lives. Life really doesn't seem to be her thing, but is it really the thing for anyone? "I'm tired", she says, "I am always so tired" - and we can't help but connect with her when she utters those wor...