We need to talk about internalized hatred "I am tired of feeling disgusted with myself." - from The Miseducation of Cameron Post This is going to be a very different article. This is because I am not going to talk about any film in specific. I have something important to say that needs to be said, because I feel that, if I don’t say it, I’m going to implode. I have a confession to make - I suffer from a terrible condition, a condition that we all suffer from. That condition is called internalized homophobia. I am a homophobe. And we are all homophobes. What I want to talk about here is about my experience. I want to talk about the internal fight that I have been fighting for as long as I understood my sexual orientation. And I want people to understand what I and many other queer people go through every day in this society that we live in. I started writing in here because I felt the need to express my thoughts through what I think about films. Now I decided to writ...