The Academy Awards

The Academy Awards - Ranking of Best Picture Nominees This year was the first year I managed to watch all the Best Picture nominees before the ceremony, and so, I decided to rank them and writing a little something about each of them. I'll rank them from the one I least liked to the one I most liked. 8 - Bohemian Rhapsody - directed by Bryan Singer Bohemian Rhapsody is one of the most underwhelming films I have seen this year. There is almost no cinematic value in this film, with sloppy editing, terrible directing and horrible writing. This is a film clearly just made to pander to Queen fans, with no depth given to it. It's a complete disservice to the legacy and life of Freddie Mercury and it reaches a point where it's almost offensive in its lack of depth. It's a perfect example of how Hollywood mishandles LGBTQ stories for their own profit. It's certainly appalling how it's nominated for Best Picture. The only reason it's nominated is probab...