Sex Education

Sex Education - A Modern Take on Sex Netflix's original series never disappoints. In a time when there seems to be so much awkwardness surrounding the theme of sexual education, Laurie Nunn comes around with a refreshing new look at this sensitive subject that is human sexuality. In an incredibly well-written comedy series that has a very John Hughes feel to it, making it strangely anachronistic yet modern, we are invited to reflect on various issues ranging from abortion to homophobia in an exceptionally mature way, with such compassion for the various characters that make up this quirky story. I usually write about films, but TV series are no less deserving of being written about, especially one as intelligently crafted as Sex Education . This is not only a series about sex. It's a very necessary and modern take on sex of all ages and orientations. It's talking about sex the way it should be talked about. We are introduced to this series by the most proper way to...