2018 Recap

2018: A Year for New Voices in Film Another year has come and gone, and it was a weird and chaotic one. With world leaders that make no sense, populism overtaking all corners of the world, and climate change looming ever closer, our world may seem hopeless. Fortunately, we have cinema to lighten up our lives and give us hope the future. This year we've had some of the most original and important films of the century, with incredible masterpieces one after the other. And one of the most evident aspects of this year's cinema is the dominance of stories about those who are usually silenced by society and dominance of female-lead stories and female-directed films. For far too long, these stories have been side-lined and ignored. For far too long, women have merely been the observed, the target of the male gaze. But not anymore. If we have seen anything this year, it's that the world is changing, and as misogynistic and racist leaders are gaining power, artists and audien...