Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War - An Unconventional Superhero Blockbuster This is an unconventional entry in my blog, but this is an unconventional entry in the Marvel Blockbuster Universe. I normally analyze films that are considered "deep", in the sense that they have an underlying hard-to-understand message and require a lot of thought and reflection in order to process the film after watching it. But I decided to write a small text about Infinity War since it surpassed a lot of my expectations and surprised me in a lot of ways. This blockbuster isn't an unconventional and controversial experimental film, in fact, in most of its aspects it's a very regular superhero flick, but there are some very original aspects that make it stand out in a sea of action-filled blockbusters that come out every year. A quick heads-up: there will be SPOILERS in this text, so, if you haven't watched this movie, continue at your own risk. This movie has two aspects that stand out ...