Lady Bird

Lady Bird – A Love Letter to our Origins and our Destinations What are our origins? Our mother, our family, our hometown. What are our destinations? The Future, the Unknown. This is what Lady Bird is about. Greta Gerwig guides us through these issues through nostalgic eyes of the life of a 17 years old girl in her senior year of high school as she is faced with heartbreak, anger, depression, rebellious feelings against her origins and longing to grow up and move on to the unknown future. This is my first film analysis and I decided to make it about Lady Bird , not only because it’s such a well-made and interesting movie, but also because I read an article from The Guardian titled “The male glance: how we fail to take women’s stories seriously” by Lili Loofborrow. This article is about how we tend to disregard female-centred stories as less artistic and complex than male-centred ones. That is precisely what I want to do in this analysis. I want to analyze the grea...